英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:37:04

in the face of

英 [in ðə feis ɔv]

美 [ɪn ði fes ʌv]

面对; 尽管
  • 网络解释

1. 即使;在...面前:in the event of 如果...发生,万一 | in the face of 即使;在...面前 | in the first place 首先

2. 在...面前;不顾:for example 例如 | in the face of 在...面前;不顾 | in fact 其实,实际上

3. 面对,不顾,即使:with the exception of ......之外 | in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 | in fact 其实,实际上

4. 在......前面;不管,即使:in the end 最后,终于 | in the face of 在......前面;不管,即使 | in the future 在将来

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

In the face of this accumulated wisdom, the question is why so many educators decided that it is acceptable to reduce or eliminate recess.(面对这些积累起来的智慧,问题是为什么这么多的教育工作者认为减少或取消课间休息是可以接受的。)
Perhaps in the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization, a young person's family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap.(也许在面对没有人情味且令人生畏的全球化问题时,年轻人的家庭感觉更像是一个友好的避风港,而不是一个受压迫的陷阱。)
As trees outgrow their ideal habitats in the face of climate change, these flying ecosystem engineers could be a big help in replanting trees.(当树木面临气候变化而放弃它们的理想栖息地时,这些飞行的生态系统工程师对于重新植树能有巨大的帮助。)
So Lavie did another experiment, designed to look at this ability to concentrate better in the face of increased difficulty.(因此,拉维做了另一个实验,旨在观察这种在难度增加时能够更好地集中注意力的能力。)
The last thing you want in the face of an advancing zombie horde is a blown fuel sensor.(面对一群不断前进的僵尸,你最不想看到的就是一个爆炸的燃料传感器。)
Southern historians clung instead to a notion of the South's unanimity in the face of Northern aggression.(相反,南方的历史学家坚持认为,面对北方的侵略,南方是一致的。)
I want to express my admiration for you because you never give up in the face of difficulties.(我想要向你表达我对你的钦佩之情,因为你在困难面前从不放弃。)
They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.(眼看着灾难来临,他们还在拖延时间。)
The charm of canals lies in their survival in the face of irrelevance.(运河的魅力在于它面临其地位可有可无的时候竟然幸存下来。)
It builds resilience in the face of adversity.(它能增强面对灾难的适应力。)
in the face of是什么意思 in the face of在线翻译 in the face of什么意思 in the face of的意思 in the face of的翻译 in the face of的解释 in the face of的发音 in the face of的同义词